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Official Portal OfCity Council of Penang island

Age Friendly City

16 June, 2023


  • As of recent data, Penang is the second largest state with a significant elderly population, with 7.7% of its residents aged 65 and above. This percentage is above the benchmark of 7% used to classify a state as "ageing" (Source: Statistics Department Malaysia, 2023).

  • The United Nations has defined three categories of ageing: an ageing society (7%), an aged society (14%) and a super-aged society (20%), which refer to a population aged 65 years.

  • Based on Principal Statistics of Population, Administrative District, Pulau Pinang, 2020-2023 by Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), the population aged 65 years and over for 2023 has reached to 7.7%. By this statistic, Penang has reached a status of ageing society.

  • Age-Friendly City (AFC) is a framework developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) by considering and prioritising the needs of elderly adults.

  • It is a place where people of all age groups can live, work, and participate in social, economic and cultural activities with dignity, autonomy and respect.

  • MBPP is now at cycle 1: phase 3 where we are finalising our Age-friendly city action plan for 2024-2025 and our target is to publish and disseminate the AFC Action plan by August 2024.

 AFC Penang Island Certificate 1

MBPP as the Project Implementer has collaborated with the Penang Women's Development Corporation (PWDC) as the Project Manager and the Malaysian Healthy Aging Society (MHAS) as the Project Consultant to make Penang an Age-Friendly City.

MBPP has been part of the Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities since 28 July 2023 and the following is a Membership Certificate from World Health Organization related to the recognition.



  1. WHO proposes eight interconnected domains that can help to identify and address barriers to well-being.

  2. These domains will help MBPP prioritise the creation of an environment that promotes active and healthy ageing.

  3. They encourage intergenerational connections and foster a sense of community by organising events and activities that bring people of different ages together.

  4. Even though MBPP have set 4 priority domains which are Housing, Respect and Social Inclusion, Communication & Information, and Health Services & Community Supports for 2024, we are also implementing the other 4 domains together which encompass Outdoor Spaces & Buildings, Transportation, Social Participation, and Civic Engagement & Employment.


The MBPP Strategic Action Plan Engagement Session for Age-Friendly Cities was held 3 times, 12-13 December 2022, 9-10 January 2022 and 2-3 December 2023 involving Government Agencies, communities and also NGOs to collect relevant inputs, opinion and ideas before being coordinated and included in the Age-Friendly City Strategic Action Plan. 
MBPP Srategic Action Plan Engagement Session for AFC



The 8 Area of Age Friendly City

.Outdoor Spaces and Buildings Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 02
Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 01
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 05
Social Participation
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 03
Respect and Social Inclusion
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 07
Civic Participation and Employment
Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 06
Communication and Information
Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 04
Community Support and  Health Services



Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

  • Optimize usability of outdoor spaces and buildings for older persons.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 02


  • Increase access to and awareness of affordable, safe, and equitable mobility options for older persons in all parts of Penang Island.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 01


  • Improve choice, quality, affordability, and housing stability for older persons.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 05

Social Participation

  • Promote diverse and accessible opportunities for participation and engagement of older persons age 60.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 03

Respect and Social Inclusion

  • Uphold all older persons ages 60 as valuable members and provide equitable resources for the community.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 07

Civic Participation and Employment

  • Connect older persons with resources that help them achieve their diverse employment and career transition goals.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 06

Communication and Information

  • Awareness and access to available services and supports for older persons and their families will increase for everyone.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 04

Community Support and Health Services

  • Ensure the community has accessible and affordable resources to support individual health and well-being goals throughout the ageing process.

1: Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

  • The design of Neighbourhood Parks meets the criteria of “Universal Design and Accessibility in the Built Environment”, which takes universal design into account and is given a high priority. It provides equal accessibility to groups with various abilities and needs, especially older persons. The Neighbourhood Parks have user-friendly spaces and sizes that offer options to users whether to have their leisure activities alone or in groups.


  • There are various Park Upgrading Projects carried out to increase the aesthetic value, encourage greater community involvement in recreational activities, improve safety elements, a safer environment and to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. This upgrading project is done in order to promote biodiversity conservation and to support the local ecosystem. It is able to contribute to a higher level of satisfaction and well-being among the population. Upgrading is also done in the form of providing space for physical exercise, relaxation and stress relief in addition to contributing to better public health impact and improving the quality of life. Some of the Upgrading Projects carried out by MBPP are:
    • Bukit Jambul Neighborhood Park Upgrading Project, Bayan Lepas
    • Linear Garden Upgrading Project
    • P.Ramlee Bend Neighborhood Park Upgrading Project
    • Ara River Neighborhood Park Upgrading Project
    • Project to Upgrade Taman Lintang Penara

Taman Kejiranan Bukit Jambul 

Taman Kejiranan Sungai Ara


  • The Town Hall is equipped with an exhibition gallery space, a "ballroom" hall and a multi-purpose room, it is also equipped with lift, toilet and ramp facilities specifically for the "Disabled People". This allows the Town Hall to be used by all levels of society/community through the organization of cultural, artistic and other activities. In addition, projects to upgrade complexes, markets and halls were also carried out to ensure the spaces and facilities designed can be easily accessed by all groups based on Universal Design. Among the upgraded buildings are:
    • Medanika Complex
    • Medan Renong Complex
    • Town Hall
    • Teluk Bahang Market




  •   Public facilities and a disabled-friendly environment are provided based on the Universal Design for the comfort of all.
 No.  Location
 1.  Rifle Range Market and Complex
 2.  Batu Lancang Market and Food Court
 3.  Desa Mayang Hawker Complex
 4.  Padang Brown Complex
 5.  Bukit Gedung Complex​
 6.  Desa Genting Complex​
 7.  Tanjung Bungah Complex​
 8.  Coolie Lines Food Court
 9.  Bayan Baru Market and Complex​
 10.  Pulau TIkus Market
 11.  Lebuh Cecil Market
 12.  Telok Bahang Market
 13.  Jelutong Market
 14.  Chowrasta Market
 15.  Air Itam Market
 16.  Community Services Department Office, Youth Park (under construction)



No. Location
 1.  Pantai Mas Public Toilet
 2.  Medan Renong Public Toilet
 3.  Padang Kota Public Toilet​
 4.  Public Toilet in Padang Tembak Market
 5.  Batu Lancang Public Toilet
 6.  Public Toilet in Tanjung Bungah Market
 7.  Prayer Hall (Surau) in Lebuh Duke
 8.  Pantai Miami Public Toilet (under construction)

 2: Transportation

  • Cooperates with Rapid Penang in implementing FREE bus services, such as Central Area Transit (CAT) , Bridge Express Shuttle Transit (BEST) and CAT Bridge, to make public transport affordable for all.

  • With a cyclist-friendly concept, the buses provide a platform and allow passengers to bring their bicycles. This concept will enable cyclists to carry out leisure cycling activities around George Town.

  • 200 wheelchair-accessible busses.

(Source: Rapid Penang)

  • Penang Smart Parking (PSP) – As part of the efforts towards a Smart City, a user-friendly Smart Parking system has been developed for all in Penang. Penang Smart Parking is equipped with features such as Find Parking, Parking Payment, Compound Payment, and Purchase of Monthly Pass, among others.


  • Penang Bicycle Lane Master Plan, with the goal to create a 200km long cycling route around Penang, was introduced in 2017. The bicycle lanes go through the city through the coast for cyclists to travel around the island without producing carbon. The initiative also encourages more people to cycle. We target to have 45,000 cyclists annually by 2025.
  • The City Council of Penang Island launched the Bike Sharing System (Link Bike) on 17 December 2016. Currently, 29 stations, 250 bicycles and 325 bicycle docks are available in George Town and Bayan Baru


  • The Rejuvenation of Back Lanes and Side Lanes in George Town, Penang, is a well-designed project to increase walking and cycling activities, which will ultimately improve the economic activities in George Town and reduce the crime rates around the area. This project brings positive impacts to the environment and public health as a whole.

  • MBPP has won the premier award of the 7th Edition of the Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage.


 3: Housing



  • Supplying public housing schemes is an effort of the government to meet the wishes and needs of the people in Penang. The City Council of Penang Island’s People’s Housing Projects flats tenants are of various races and genders.


  • The Security Contract at PPR Jalan Sungai was established in 2016.

The Council has appointed Matrix Megatech Sdn. Bhd. to provide a security control services in Jalan Sungai PPR Housing Scheme to ensure the safety of the residents, guarding the common area, public property and the owner's property in the housing scheme area.


  • Fence Installation at MBPP Public Housing Scheme, Jalan Jelutong.

A survey study with residents was conducted at the MBPP Public Housing Scheme, Jalan Jelutong through the Gender Responsive and Participatory Budgeting (GRPB) project.

Fence installation is one of the needs/facilities chosen by the residents of this housing scheme.

This project has been implemented to ensure the safety of

  1. Tenants and occupants
  2. Council building/premises


  • CCTV Installation

CCTV installations have been installed in several of Council's Public Housing Schemes, including:-

  1. Skim Perumahan PPR Jalan Sungai
  2. Skim Perumahan Awam Taman Free School
  3. Skim Perumahan Awam Lebuh Cintra (People’s Court)

CCTV Installation is important in order to ensure the safety of tenants and occupants as well as to overcome vandalism problems and irregular waste disposal


  • Improvement Projects:
  1. Establishing a Cleaning Contract at PPR Jalan Sungai
  2. Repainting the Exterior Building of Block C & D at MBPP Public Housing Scheme, Taman Free School
  3. Repainting the Exterior Building of Blocks A, B, E-K at MBPP Public Housing Scheme, Taman Free School
  4. Repainting the Exterior Building of Block A, C & D at MBPP Lebuh Cintra Public Housing Scheme

The purpose of this project is to ensure a clean, conducive and comfortable environment in MBPP Public Housing Scheme.


  • Improvement Projects:
  1. Provide ground floor 'railing' and 'ramp' at the MBPP Public Housing Scheme, Jalan Jelutong
  2. Replacing the 'railing' on the stairs at Jalan Sungai PPR Housing Scheme
  3. Repairing five (5) lift units at PPR Jalan Sungai

The Council has implemented several projects in order to ensure better accessibility for tenants and residents in the Council's public housing schemes.


  • Projects and Programs:
  1. Creating a space and providing exercise equipment at the Public Housing Scheme, Jalan Jelutong
  2. Residents' dialogue session with Batu Uban Assemblyman YB A. Kumaresan, Councillors and MBPP at Sungai Nibong Scheme
  3. "Green Penang’ Gotong-Royong or Communal Work in Sungai Nibong Scheme

Such projects and programs were held to create a space for leisure and social activities among tenants and residents of Majlis premises.

4: Social Participation

  • Promotion of volunteer management system and practices through the implementation of various programmes.
  • List of Programmes


  • Build a social support network within the community.

The Green School Award is part of the City Council of Penang Island’s efforts to foster a love for the environment among children through collaborations with schools in Penang Island.

Green School Award 2022 Prize Presentation Ceremony


   The implementation of the Gender Inclusion Policy ensures inclusive access to programme planning, implementations and the provision of public facilities to achieve gender inclusion.

Using Gender Responsive and Participatory Budgeting (GRPB) in all aspects of governance, including programme planning, designs, implementations, monitoring and evaluation processes to meet “Different People Different Needs”.



 5: Respect and Social Inclusion

'Bike Box' is a special zone for motorcyclists and cyclists to stop their vehicles at a traffic light intersection.

A disabled-friendly playground for the special-need group in City Park.


  • Accessible Pedestrian Footpaths are available to all where footpaths were constructed per MS1184 Universal Design and Accessibility in the Built Environment – Code of Practice.

  • The “Pedestrian Is King” initiative was introduced in 2015 in George Town to create awareness among motorists to slow down their vehicles at a zebra crossing to create a safer environment for pedestrians.



  • The Zero Burden Bazaar Program was created to foster community spirit and involvement in various types of activities from all age group so that the community does not feel left out. This program just started in 2023 and will be conducted every year to foster mutual respect among all ages.

    Zero Burden Bazaar (Facebook)

    Zero Burden Bazaar video

  • The Tabung 'Age Friendly City' fund was created as an effort by the Council to collect funds through community activities carried out so that the funds can be given back to the community, especially in activities involving Age Friendly City Program. For example, collections gain from charity sales held by the Majlis during Zero Burden Bazaar program are collected for future use. As for Art For Charity Program, half of the sales through bidding system has been transferred to Tabung 'Age Friendly City’ , while the other half of the sales will be handed over to the artists as recognition for their artwork.

    Art For Charity Program


  • The Senior Citizen Activity Center located at 252A, Jalan Air Itam has been established with the cooperation between MBPP, JKM and Rose Charity (NGO) for the use of senior citizens in spending their time with the community and socializing. The premis is still under renovation stage and expected to be operational by December 2024. 

  • This Senior Citizen Activity Center is the first one to be open in the Daerah Timur Laut, Penang.


  • A Focus Group Discussion involving Elderly Care Center Management was held in order to improve the guidelines of the elderly care center as well as to gain community's opinion on what is needed to make the elderly care center more sustainable in the future by involving the community, technical agencies, organizations and the care center operators consisting of various age groups including youth and the elderly so that they can give their point of views, ideas and suggestions in both improving the guidelines and activities provided by MBPP to the community.

    Focus Group Discussion Pusat Jagaan Warga Emas


  • These guidelines are provided in order to help the State Authority, Local Authority, Implementing Agencies and Developers to provide adequate community facilities when developing an area towards creating a prosperous community. These guidelines are provided as a guide in planning, controlling, developing and designing senior citizens' settlements and wellness centers in Pinang Island.

    This implementation guide is prepared to create an inclusive environment that takes into account the basic needs and is able to support the physical needs of people in needs in a city. The preparation of this implementation guide is also in line with the New Urban Agenda with the principle of 'no one is left behind' which means that all community groups regardless of race, religion, position or physical imperfection are given equal rights to live and use facilities and services in a city.

    Main Policies & Guidelines Jabatan Perancangan Pembangunan

    Panduan Inisiatif Persekitaran Mesra Autism


6: Civic Participation & Employment

  • Providing Employment Opportunities to Council Retirees and Residents at Public Housing Scheme

This Toilet Cleaning Program can help older person with additional income opportunities and also contributing skills and experience through cleaning services. A total of 7 retirees are interested and given the opportunity to handle the cleaning services at a place provided by MBPP. This Toilet Cleaning Program opportunity has also been opened to the homeless as an opportunities to help them.


The community contract is a process of community participation in the management and maintenance of local infrastructure which is a smart collaboration between the government and the community as partners and acting as an active users in addition to promote good governance by the government and a sense of ownership by the community that can directly involved in managing their housing area.

Cleaning & Security Community Contract at PPR Jalan Sungai through appointment to PPR Community Association Jln. Sungai (PKPJS) who are residents of the area have improved the cleaning of the area which at one time was in a dirty, disorganized, dark and less safe state. Now, it has change into a clean, orderly, bright, safe and comfortable place to live. A total of 12 residents in the area have been selected to handle cleaning & security in the area.

7: Communication & Information

PEARL - One Touch Penang is an online one-stop platform for the entire city of Penang. The mobile app aims to facilitate users in Penang to have interaction and easy access to the City Council’s services apart from using the City Council’s official web portal.

Among the functions that have been and are being developed are:

  • Online Shopping
  • Online Bills Payments
  • Attractions in Penang
  • City Council’s Calendar of Events
  • Lists and Locations of Police Stations, Fire Stations, MBPP Offices, Veterinarians, Water Level, Parks, Care Centres and Nursing Homes, Clinics, Hospitals, Ambulance Services, Automated External Defibrillators (AED), etc.


  • Monitoring current conditions and situations through the "Eyes In The Sky” and providing information to the public such as natural disasters, traffic conditions and others through public announcement systems.

8: Community Support and Health Services

  • Transit Home and Night Shelter for the Homeless



Guidelines for Provision of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) in the City Council of Penang Island Administrative Areas.


AED locations are easily accessed by public whenever needed during an emergency situation (sudden cardiac arrest) through the Pearl One Touch Penang App.




Health promotion activities are conducted on a daily basis at public places which aims to educate the public on dengue fever awareness, leptospirosis as well as food hygiene. In addition, dengue prevention and pest related campaigns are also conducted yearly.



The city council continues to conduct activities as well as promoting health awareness in educational institutions. Nurses as well as health officers visits kindergartens and schools to conduct sessions within classrooms to talk about topics such as hand washing techniques, food hygiene and dengue fever awareness.



The city council provides food hygiene awareness and anti typhoid vaccination for the food vendors of Penang Island at the MBPP Anti Typhoid Clinic. Anti Typhoid vaccination is effective in preventing Typhoid fever which is a life-threatening infection caused by Salmonella Typhi bacteria.