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Official Portal OfCity Council of Penang island

Age Friendly City

16 June, 2023

Page 1 of 9


  • As of recent data, Penang is the second largest state with a significant elderly population, with 7.7% of its residents aged 65 and above. This percentage is above the benchmark of 7% used to classify a state as "ageing" (Source: Statistics Department Malaysia, 2023).

  • The United Nations has defined three categories of ageing: an ageing society (7%), an aged society (14%) and a super-aged society (20%), which refer to a population aged 65 years.

  • Based on Principal Statistics of Population, Administrative District, Pulau Pinang, 2020-2023 by Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), the population aged 65 years and over for 2023 has reached to 7.7%. By this statistic, Penang has reached a status of ageing society.

  • Age-Friendly City (AFC) is a framework developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) by considering and prioritising the needs of elderly adults.

  • It is a place where people of all age groups can live, work, and participate in social, economic and cultural activities with dignity, autonomy and respect.

  • MBPP is now at cycle 1: phase 3 where we are finalising our Age-friendly city action plan for 2024-2025 and our target is to publish and disseminate the AFC Action plan by August 2024.

 AFC Penang Island Certificate 1

MBPP as the Project Implementer has collaborated with the Penang Women's Development Corporation (PWDC) as the Project Manager and the Malaysian Healthy Aging Society (MHAS) as the Project Consultant to make Penang an Age-Friendly City.

MBPP has been part of the Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities since 28 July 2023 and the following is a Membership Certificate from World Health Organization related to the recognition.



  1. WHO proposes eight interconnected domains that can help to identify and address barriers to well-being.

  2. These domains will help MBPP prioritise the creation of an environment that promotes active and healthy ageing.

  3. They encourage intergenerational connections and foster a sense of community by organising events and activities that bring people of different ages together.

  4. Even though MBPP have set 4 priority domains which are Housing, Respect and Social Inclusion, Communication & Information, and Health Services & Community Supports for 2024, we are also implementing the other 4 domains together which encompass Outdoor Spaces & Buildings, Transportation, Social Participation, and Civic Engagement & Employment.


The MBPP Strategic Action Plan Engagement Session for Age-Friendly Cities was held 3 times, 12-13 December 2022, 9-10 January 2022 and 2-3 December 2023 involving Government Agencies, communities and also NGOs to collect relevant inputs, opinion and ideas before being coordinated and included in the Age-Friendly City Strategic Action Plan. 
MBPP Srategic Action Plan Engagement Session for AFC



The 8 Area of Age Friendly City

.Outdoor Spaces and Buildings Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 02
Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 01
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 05
Social Participation
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 03
Respect and Social Inclusion
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 07
Civic Participation and Employment
Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 06
Communication and Information
Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 04
Community Support and  Health Services



Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

  • Optimize usability of outdoor spaces and buildings for older persons.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 02


  • Increase access to and awareness of affordable, safe, and equitable mobility options for older persons in all parts of Penang Island.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 01


  • Improve choice, quality, affordability, and housing stability for older persons.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 05

Social Participation

  • Promote diverse and accessible opportunities for participation and engagement of older persons age 60.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 03

Respect and Social Inclusion

  • Uphold all older persons ages 60 as valuable members and provide equitable resources for the community.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 07

Civic Participation and Employment

  • Connect older persons with resources that help them achieve their diverse employment and career transition goals.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 06

Communication and Information

  • Awareness and access to available services and supports for older persons and their families will increase for everyone.
 Penang Island Logo 8 Domains 04

Community Support and Health Services

  • Ensure the community has accessible and affordable resources to support individual health and well-being goals throughout the ageing process.
Bandar Mesra Usia