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Official Portal OfCity Council of Penang island

Age Friendly City

MBPP as the Project Implementer has collaborated with the Penang Women's Development Corporation (PWDC) as the Project Manager and the Malaysian Healthy Aging Society (MHAS) as the Project Consultant to make Penang an Age-Friendly City. MBPP has been part of the Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities since 28 July 2023 and the following is a Membership Certificate from World Health Organization related to the recognition. The MBPP Strategic Action Plan Engagement Session for Age-Friendly Cities was held 3 times,...
  • Hits: 1720

Age Friendly City

Introduction As of recent data, Penang is the second largest state with a significant elderly population, with 7.7% of its residents aged 65 and above. This percentage is above the benchmark of 7% used to classify a state as "ageing" (Source: Statistics Department Malaysia, 2023). The United Nations has defined three categories of ageing: an ageing society (7%), an aged society (14%) and a super-aged society (20%), which refer to a population aged 65 years. Based on Principal Statistics of Population, Administrative District, Pulau Pinang, 2020-2023 by Department of Statistics Malaysia...
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Jabatan Pesuruhjaya Bangunan

Profile The Commissioner of Building Department, City Council of Penang Island was established on 1st. July 2011. Based on Building And Common Property Act (Maintenance & Management) 2007 (Act 663) was gazetted on 12th. April 2007. The National Council of Local Government (NCLG) 57th Meeting on 23rd. March 2007 has agreed that The State Authority has appointed the President on behalf of Local Government Authority as Commissioner of Building. In accordance with the above the Mayor of City Council...
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Jabatan Landskap

Profile On 1 January 2015, the Penang Municipal Council was declared as the Penang City Council. With the declaration, from 1 May 2015 the Landscape Division was upgraded as a Landscape Department in line with policy changes, the expansion of the administrative area and the increase in organizational functions. The Management and Administration of the Landscape Department is currently located at City Park, Persiaran Kuari and its operational office at Tapak Saeian, Lengkok Jesselton, Penang. ...
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Jabatan Konservasi Warisan

Profile The Heritage Department was established on July 1, 2011. This is in line with the recognition of George Town as a UNESCO World Heritage Site at the 32nd World Heritage Committee meeting held on the 7th of July 2008 in Quebec City, Canada. The establishment as a Heritage Conservation Department in 2015 under the local authority, the Council is one of the government's commitments as stated inside 'Heritage Management Plan', which is an additional document submitted to UNESCO inside evaluation...
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Jabatan Pengurusan Korporat dan Komuniti

Profile Pada 1 Oktober 2004, Penstrukturan semula Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang telah dilaksanakan oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA). Berikutan penstrukturan semula ini sebanyak lapan (8) jabatan telah diwujudkan berbanding sepuluh (10) jabatan sebelum ini. Melalui proses penstrukturan ini, satu jabatan baru telah diwujudkan iaitu Jabatan Khidmat Kemasyarakatan. Pada 1 Februari 2005. Jabatan Khidmat Kemasyarakatan telah mula beroperasi di Stadium Bandaraya, Pulau Pinang.Pada 15 Julai 2011,...
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Jabatan Perkhidmatan Perbandaran

Profile The Department of Municipal Services was established on January 16, 1992, and subsequently upgraded to the Municipal Services Department under the Penang Island City Council. It specializes in the management of solid waste and public cleanliness. In line with the goal of "Restoring and Preserving the Pearl of the Orient," the Municipal Services Department of the Penang Island City Council has adopted strategies such as improving service quality to create a clean environment through a culture...
  • Hits: 15262

Jabatan Pelesenan

Profile In 2015, the Department of Public Health and the Licensing Division were merged and operated as the Department of Environmental Health and Licensing. However, starting from September 1, 2021, the Licensing Division has been recognized as the Licensing Department, City Council of Penang Island. Objective Issuance of licenses...
  • Hits: 34102